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Aug 22, 2007

Indian Cricket is Clean!

India lost yet again yesterday. After winning the test series and a couple of first class matches they had me worried. I usually get worried when people are not their natural self, and a little irritated too.

But one good thing that has come out of India's long chain of dismal defeats is that now we can be pretty much sure that no one's fixing their matches. Nobody's paying the players to throw away the game. Why would anybody want to pay for what the team would do for free anyways? They would rather focus their efforts and finances on some other team, or if they are really serious, on some other sport altogether.

So rejoice! Our boys are clean...and they don't have to prove it by appearing in soap commercials. Sach-much, kaafi bada hai!

While on the subject of cricket and match fixing, I think BCCI's objection to a rebel league is justified. Obviously! If the domestic circuit goes professional, it might throw up some new talents that may eventually find their way into the national team. And then there would always be a chance that they might win a match. This uncertainity may lead to punters trying to make a quick buck. Get it? Its all the board's way of ensuring that the team performance remains predictable and the team free of any fixing scams. Thats thinking far!

Aug 17, 2007

Shut Up & Sit Down!

I was born with a terrible disease - The Foot-in-Mouth disease. Do not confuse it with the Foot-and-Mouth disease which affect mainly farm animals...not me, I'm a cubicle animal. My disease is worse. There are hardly any visible symptoms of affliction, but it can sieze my senses anytime, anywhere.

In its mildest form, I suffer from an irresistible urge to shoot my mouth off. Given the slightest encouragement, my foot flies and lodges itself firmly in my mouth...and then the fun begins! I just can't help it, if I see even half an opening where I can fit in my wisecracks, they tumble out before I can do a cost-benefit analysis on it. This has landed me in many an undesirable situation. The aftermath of which sometimes have lasted for years. That serious-looking Philosophizing bloke was right - words spoken are like arrows shot!

And usually when such arrows are shot by me, I get to see these expressions that scream "Shut up and sit down, you @#$%^&!" So I'm trying to do just that. Instead of shooting my mouth left, right and center, I am going to blog them - up, down and sideways. So if you read something that offends you (you will, sooner or later), just remember, its a part of my therapy. You wouldn't want to hurt a verbally challanged soul, would you?

So, consider this as an apology in advance, a warning, an advisory, a disclaimer and above all else, a sample of whats to follow. You have been adequately apprised.