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Aug 17, 2007

Shut Up & Sit Down!

I was born with a terrible disease - The Foot-in-Mouth disease. Do not confuse it with the Foot-and-Mouth disease which affect mainly farm animals...not me, I'm a cubicle animal. My disease is worse. There are hardly any visible symptoms of affliction, but it can sieze my senses anytime, anywhere.

In its mildest form, I suffer from an irresistible urge to shoot my mouth off. Given the slightest encouragement, my foot flies and lodges itself firmly in my mouth...and then the fun begins! I just can't help it, if I see even half an opening where I can fit in my wisecracks, they tumble out before I can do a cost-benefit analysis on it. This has landed me in many an undesirable situation. The aftermath of which sometimes have lasted for years. That serious-looking Philosophizing bloke was right - words spoken are like arrows shot!

And usually when such arrows are shot by me, I get to see these expressions that scream "Shut up and sit down, you @#$%^&!" So I'm trying to do just that. Instead of shooting my mouth left, right and center, I am going to blog them - up, down and sideways. So if you read something that offends you (you will, sooner or later), just remember, its a part of my therapy. You wouldn't want to hurt a verbally challanged soul, would you?

So, consider this as an apology in advance, a warning, an advisory, a disclaimer and above all else, a sample of whats to follow. You have been adequately apprised.

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