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Jul 6, 2008

Bag it, Tag it...

I often see this couple in my office complex. They are always with their backpacks. Everywhere...in the food court, in the corridor, even in the loo...their backpacks are unmistakable clinging onto them. Not once have I seen these two souls without their bags on. You get the idea? These folks...their backpacks...forever together.

And I keep wondering why? It’s like the terrible itch you get when you see a “Wet Paint” sign on the park bench. You just have to touch it to find out...

So after much theorizing that left me with a sprain in the brain, I have narrowed down on these possible reasons why they just cannot leave their bags in their work-area like everybody else. I need your help in zeroing in on the most likely reason. I have created a poll on this topic...so please vote...its one of the few perks of democracy

#1. They are secret agents carrying a nuclear warheads capable of vaporizing the Earth

#2. They are the ones carrying the latest Windows OS source code (if so, can somebody please tell them nobody wants it anyways!)

#3. By a freak accident involving a ruptured condom and a bolt of lightning, their bags got fused with their epidermal tissues (remember Wowbagger, The Infinitely Prolonged?)

#4. They are actually aliens and these backpack-looking things are their reproductive organs

#5. These are actually two animated backpacks roaming around with humans attached to them

Wellllll...I couldn't figure out how to put a poll in the post so it's on the sidebar. I'll update the result in the post later...

PS: 'Poll in the post'...sounds naughty doesn't it?

Okay...the votes are in! It was an overwhelming response that almost reached double figures. We had a winner by a thumping majority but some folks from Florida demanded I recount the votes and surprise we have a tie!

There were equal number of votes for possiblity #4 (aliens) and #5 (backpacks with humans attached). So once again it fell upon me to make the crucial decision. After closely observing the subjects it has become apparent that they are aliens trying to infiltrate our society and eventually sieze control. But unlike us earthlings, they cannot leave their bags behind so they have to leave it on their behinds.

Beware fellow earthlings! DON'T TELL THEM ANYTHING!!! Let them roam around as clueless as they are right now. Eventually they might decide its not worth it and go back or get a 'Backpack-ectomy' surgery and get their bags removed. Till then...not a word to them...no matter how hard they try.

"Er...excuse me...where's the bathroom?"


Sage said...

Good read.. epecially the itch part which is the bloody reason for everything ... Adam & Eve... he he


Julymermaid said...

You nut job , you ... very interesting read .. :-)